"Rescue me, O God! Lord, hurry to my aid!" Psalms 70:1
"But I am in deep trouble. Rush to my aid, for only you can help and save me. O Lord, dont delay." Psalms 70:5
How many of us seem to be hurrying all the time and never take those quiet moments of prayer or "talk" WITH God? Talking WITH God is so much better than talking to Him, I believe.
If you are like me, you often like to sleep to the very last moment of that time when you must arise and go forth into the new day. Yes, it is always a new day with a new beginning and we start our life over again, after, hopefully, a sweet sublime rest. If we have rested as we should, we awaken with a purification of spirit. However, this is the time we should, precisely, Talk With God before starting the day.
Some days fill us with misery, stress, anxiety and pain. Then there are the days full of joy and happiness beyond what we could imagine in our most grandeur of anticipation. Oh, if only everyday could be the joyful rather than the worrisome.
My heart breaks when I see young children in hunger, in broken down families living in broken down homes in broken down neighborhoods. Do you ever really imagine how many people populate this planet Earth? My mind is glazed in sorrow when I think of the many desperate brothers and sisters about me.
I wonder who will rescue them.
When I look about and see how many have so little and others have so much, I cringe in pain.
Will the "Haves" rescue the "Have-nots?"
Last week, a woman and I talked together awhile .strangers, each to the other. I like to talk to women about the fact that I am a breast cancer survivor and do so quite often. This woman looks at me and says, "How come you, an ordinary person, lived through breast cancer and someone like Paul McCartneys wife died? She had so much money and could have done so much good." I looked at her and said something to the effect, "Well, God has a plan for each of us."
At that point, I kinda thought I needed rescuing so tears would not glide down my face.
This woman did not intend to hurt me, however, I cannot seem to get her words out of my mind, so all I can say is: "Rescue me, O God! Lord, hurry to my aid." Psalms 70:1 I need to quit dwelling on her words and get on with what God is calling me to do.
We each have a calling or a job that God wants us to fulfill, however, sometimes, I think, we get so caught up in WHAT we want to do and how we feel, how others words hurt us, how we feel within our own soul that we forget that it is not US He wants us to be concerned with, it is our brothers and sisters.
We each need to notdwell on things that happen or situations of turmoil that we find ourselves in at any given point in our lives. It is hard not to dwell and mull over and over our problems with bills, gas prices, high food prices, needing so much and having so little. That is the time, yes, folks, that is right Talk with God, ask Him to rescue you. He will, you know. Maybe not in the way you demand, but in the way your needs appear to Him.
Think of our soldiers that fight the battle for freedom .I pray they call on God to rescue them. I pray that the person fallen into a den of drug addiction will get so far down in the pit of self-loathing that they call out to God, "But I am in deep trouble. Rush to my aid, for only you can help and save me. O Lord, dont delay." Psalms 70:5
I ask that you be aware of the lonely, desperate people around you. Look into the eyes of your neighbor as you speak. Perhaps those you meet are not willing to share with you, however, do you know what you can do? You can say a private, target prayer for them.
So many are in need of rescue in these trying times of ours. I fear the disparity of the economic mess we are in takes a toll on our souls as well as on and in our lifestyles, situations, and etc.
If you can, please go this week/ month/year/always and continue with that cry in your heart. Ask God to rescue you, so you in turn can show others, about you, who are in such longing need, that it is ok to cry out, "Rescue me, O God."
Do not be shy about asking someone to share a meal with you, do not be ashamed to ask if you can share a ride to and from, a place you know someone is going the same as you. Do not be so above your fellow man that you feel it beneath you to offer or to ask for any need you might have.
Do you think God turns down another "road" to try to miss your cry for rescue? I think we better try and do as our Father in Heaven asks us to do and that is to love one another as He loves us. You bet, it is hard to do, I know, I have been there. Sometimes it is very hard to reach out in need or in help.
The way to get to the point where you can do just that is called faith in God. Talk to Him, He will guide you in serving and perhaps, along the way you, too, receive service. That possibly, I believe, is "rescue" in these trying days and times in which we live.
My prayer is that you will truly read the words I write and believe that you can do so much with just a little bit of kindness. Whatever that kindness is, it will come forth, through your talk with God, He will direct you in serving and rescuing and being rescued yourself, if you need that rescue.
God be with you my friends, keep your heart pure and please, please do not judge or look the other way just because someone might be different than you. We all have the same color of blood, and we all put our pants on the same way. Go for it, dont be afraid to be all you can be,, through Jesus Christ our Lord, I pray. Amen.